[source: Japanese government vital health statistics 1899-2003] Japn govt health statistics 1899-2003, chief causes of mortality. Around 1950 the use of antibiotics caused infectious diseases (the main cause of death until then) to decline to almost nothing. Since bacteria, viruses and parasites cause cancer, the cancer rate should also have declined. BUT after 1945, cancer took over as the main cause of death and continued to rise with the introduction of each new nuclear technology (atmospheric testing, nuke plants, Depleted Uranium). Note that mortality from cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases also increased - that's the damage to the mitochondria which have the highest concentrations in the heart and brain (50% of the bulk mass). DU+Depleted Uranium Global Impact of Radiation 1945-2003.

[source: New York Times Jan. 9, 20061 Global diabetes map from NY Times Jan 9, 2006.] Its a fallout/rainout map from atmospheric testing radiation and you can see that the jet stream is the main transport mechanism. US map indicates that the highest diabetes rates in the US are along the Gulf Coast states where the Depleted Uranium is carried across the Atlantic on Westerlies and rained out where the highest rainfall occurs along the Gulf Coast. Basically the US Govt. is shipping the most radioactive milk from dairies around nuke plants into black and poor inner city communities. Wash. DC looks the same and we have proved it with US Govt. measurements of rad in milk by city. [Jay Gould, DEADLY DECEIT: LOW LEVEL RADIATION HIGH LEVEL COVERUP, Chapter "Infant Mortality and Milk"].
See more.

[source: New York Times Jan. 9, 20061 Global diabetes map from NY Times Jan 9, 2006.] Its a fallout/rainout map from atmospheric testing radiation and you can see that the jet stream is the main transport mechanism. US map indicates that the highest diabetes rates in the US are along the Gulf Coast states where the Depleted Uranium is carried across the Atlantic on Westerlies and rained out where the highest rainfall occurs along the Gulf Coast. Basically the US Govt. is shipping the most radioactive milk from dairies around nuke plants into black and poor inner city communities. Wash. DC looks the same and we have proved it with US Govt. measurements of rad in milk by city. [Jay Gould, DEADLY DECEIT: LOW LEVEL RADIATION HIGH LEVEL COVERUP, Chapter "Infant Mortality and Milk"].
See more.
Leuren Moret, the author of this, is a complete fraud. She was a computer tech at the Lawrence Livermore Lab for less than a year from 1989-90 and now claims to be a nuclear scientist and diabetes expert. It makes for a nice show; she is compelling with her presentation, but it is all show and all lies. Don't believe me, go ask your doctor what causes diabetes. After that, I expect that you will consign this article to the dust bin.
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